Community Link

In 2018, CIMB Niaga launched 'Community Link', a program designed to drive collaboration among the company, its customers, its personnel and local communities for the organization of different corporate social responsibility undertakings. It calls for active participation of customers and employees in sharing CSR-related ideas that can add value to communities around its operations.

The link has two parts:

  1. #JadiNyata, where customers submit their ideas to be assessed and selected by a jury. In 2018's #JadiNyata, three ideas were shortlisted:
    1. Seuntai Tasbih Tanda Sinergi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dengan Masyarakat Umum (Beads of Synergy between Children with Special Needs and Their Communities)
    2. Bimbingan Ekonomi Lancang Kuning Bintan (Economic Support for Lancang Kuning in Bintan)
    3. Kelas Online Basic Web Programming (Basic Web Programming Online Classes)

    As many as 200 customers registered their ideas

  2. #JadiPeduli, where employees get their ideas real. A total of 52 branch offices or 10.33% of all CIMB Niaga's operations took part in #JadiPeduli.