Fransiska Oei
Corporate Secretary
Appointed as the Corporate Secretary of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk and is domiciled in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The complete profile is available in the Profile of Board of Directors.
The legal references for the appointment of Fransiska Oei as Corporate Secretary is based on Circular Decision Letter of the Board of Directors of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. No. 001/SIR/DIR/IX/2016 dated 21 September 2016 to comply with FSA Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 dated 8 December 2014 and Indonesian Stock Exchange Regulation No. I-A dated 20 January 2014 and its amendment. The appointment was reported to the OJK (both OJK Banking Supervisory and OJK-NBFI) on 23 September 2016 and was announced to the public through the IDXNet website (e-reporting) at the same day.
Fransiska Oei has served as Corporate Secretary effective since 26 September 2016 up to present.
Duties and responsibilities of Corporate Secretary of CIMB Niaga are as follows:
- Follow the development of the prevailing rules and regulations in the Capital Market.
- Providing input to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners to comply with Capital Market regulations issued by the OJK, IDX and other Regulators pertaining to the Capital Market.
- Organizing and documenting the General Meeting of Shareholders and Public Expose organized by the Bank.
- Organizing and attending Board of Commissioners meetings, Board of Commissioners meetings attended by the Board of Directors, Committees under the Board of Commissioners meetings, as well as preparing and administering the minutes of the meetings.
- Organizing and attending Board of Directors meetings, Board of Directors meetings attended by the Board of Commissioners, Committees under Board of Directors meetings, as well as preparing and administering the minutes of the meetings.
- Submitting reports related to Capital Market regulations, either regular or ad-hoc reports, to the OJK and IDX, in a timely manner.
- Performing disclosure of information to the public in accordance with all prevailing rules and regulations.
- Improving and aligning all Corporate Governance implementation practices of the Bank with the OJK principles and the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard.
- Preparing documents and assisting the Fit and Proper Test process for candidates of Board of Commissioners and/or Board of Directors
- Conducting orientation program for new members of the Board of Directors and/or Board of Commissioners in order to provide knowledge and understanding of the Bank.
- Administering all original documents of the Bank including licenses, deeds, certificates, minutes of meetings and internal policies.
- Administering and distributing all incoming letters addressed to the Bank for follow-up.
- Acting as liaison officer between the Bank and its shareholders, investors, authorities and other stakeholders.