Business Activities and License


Pursuant to the Articles of Association, article 3 paragraph 3.2, CIMB Niaga conducts banking service activities. In order to do so, Bank are allowed to run its primary and supplementary business activities as follows:

Primary Business Activities

  1. Funding from the community in the form of deposits, including demand deposits, term deposits, certificate of deposits, savings and/or equal forms;
  2. Lending;
  3. Issue certificates of indebtedness;
  4. Purchase, sell, or collateralize at its own risk or for the benefit and at the request of its customers:
    • Promissory notes including those accepted by banks with validity period no longer than the customary commercial instruments;
    • Certificates of indebtedness and other commercial paper with validity periods no longer than the customary commercial instruments;
    • State treasury notes and government guarantee instruments;
    • Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI);
    • Bonds;
    • Commercial paper valid up to 1 (one) year pursuant to prevailing laws and regulations;
    • Other commercial instruments valid up to 1 (one) year, pursuant to prevailing laws and regulations.
  5. Transfer money for its own interest or for the interest of the Bank’s customers;
  6. Place funds in, borrow from, or lend to other banks using notes, telecommunication means, sight drafts, checks, or any other means;
  7. Accept payment from commercial paper and perform calculation with or among third parties;
  8. Provide storage for the safekeeping of goods and commercial paper;
  9. Perform depository activities for the interest of other parties or on the basis of contract;
  10. Place funds from a customer to another in the form of commercial paper not listed on stock exchanges;
  11. Perform factoring activities, credit card businesses, and trusteeship activities;
  12. Perform activities in foreign exchange in compliance with the requirements stipulated by Bank Indonesia;
  13. Perform sharia-compliant banking activities;
  14. Perform marketing agency activities for nonbanking products such as insurance, mutual funds, government bonds, or others pursuant to the regulations;

Supplementary Business Activities

  1. Purchase from auction or others, collateral either wholly or partially should a debtor default on an obligation to the Bank, under the condition that the purchased collaterals are required to be immediately disbursed;
  2. Perform capital investment in a bank or other financial institution, such as leasing, joint venture, consumer financing, securities, or insurance companies, or in a clearing house and underwriting, and settlement and depository agency accordance with Bank Indonesia regulations
  3. Perform temporary capital investments to manage the consequences of default, or sharia-based financing default, under the condition that the investment shall be withdrawn in compliance with Bank Indonesia regulations;
  4. Act as pension fund founder and pension fund manager pursuant to pension fund rules and regulations
  5. Perform other supporting activities to sustain the Bank’s primary business activities as commonly performed by a bank as long as they are not against the laws and regulations.


As of 31 December 2018, CIMB Niaga conducted all of the business activities set forth in the most recent Articles of Association.

CIMB Niaga Products and Services

Saving Products

 CIMB Niaga Xtra Savings

 Xtra Valas Savings

 Xtra Payroll Savings

 CIMB Junior Savings

 Education Savings

 Education Xtra Savings

 Business Savings

 Mapan Savings

 Mapan Hadiah Savings


 CIMB Niaga AirAsia Savers

 CIMB Preferred Account

 CIMB Niaga Private Banking Account

 Power Deposit

 Xtra Deposit

 Time Deposit

 Current Account (Rupiah/Foreign Currency)

 ON Account Powered by XL

Electronic Access Facilities

 Debit Card


 Phone Banking 14041

 Preferred Phone Banking 1500 800

 CDM (Cash Deposit Machine)

 Go Mobile

 CIMB Clicks


 Account Balance Consolidation

 eMFTS (Electronic Mass Fund Transfer System)




 e-Tax Payment

 Self Service Terminal (SST)

 Fax Statement

 Cash & Cheque Pick–up

 Virtual Account

 Mobile Phone Bank Account

 Video Banking

 Digital Lounge

 Domestic and Foreign Transfer

 Transfer from or to overseas

 Bill payment

 Virtual Card Number (VCN)

 Opening saving account, credit card, insurance and time deposits online

 Mass and Scheduled Transactions

 Integrated paymen

 Pay with Go Mobile (scan QR)

 Quick access login to account and transactions

 FX transactions with competitive rate

Individual Loans


 Auto Loan

 Xtra Dana (Personal Loan)

 Auto Loan (Joint Financing)

 Credit Card

 Corporate Credit Card

Business, Treasury and Corporate Banking

 Trustee & Agency Services

 Custodian Services

 Syndicated Loan

 Payment Bank


 Bank Guarantee

 Working Capital Loan

 Investment Credit

 Small and Medium Enterprise Credit

 Partnership (Linkage Program)

 Value Chain - Distributor/Dealer/Agent Financing

 Supplier Financing

 Trade Financing

 Warehouse Financing


 Tender or Bid Bond

 Performance Bond

 Retention Bond

 Payment Bond

 Maintenance Bond

 Custom Bond

 Advance Payment Bond

 Counter Guarantee

 Shipping Guarantee

 Standby Letter of Credit

 ssuance of Letter of Credit – Sight Usance

 SKBDN Issuance (Local Letter of Credit)

 Inward Documentary Collection - D/P and D/A

 Usance Payable At Sight (UPAS)

 Post Import Financing/Trust receipt

 Import Tax - PIB/PIBT

 Continuation of Letter of Credit Export

 Transfer Letter of Credit

 Negotiation/Discount SKBDN with Facilities

 Negotiation/Discount SKBDN without Facilities

 Negotiation/Discount Export Letter of Credit with Facilities

 Negotiation/Discount Export Letter of Credit without Facilities

 Outward Documentary Collections - D/P and D/A

 Preshipment Financing

 Trade Loan Account Receivable

 Trade Loan Account Payable

 Market Linked Deposit

 FX Today/Tom/Spot

 FX Forward

 FX Swap

 Bank Notes

 Interest rate Swap

 Cross Currency Swap

 FX Call Option

 SWAP Depo

 FX Put Option

 Repo/Reverse Repo

 Par Forward

 Negotiable Certificate of Deposit


 Interest rate futures

 Strike Currency

 Call Spread Option

 DNDF / Domestic Non Delivery Forward

 ACCD / Accreating Cross Currency Dealer

 Strips Option

 Senior Bonds


 Mutual Fund

 Short Selling

 Interset Only Swap

 SBI / Sertificate Bank Indonesia

 SDBI / Sertificate Deposito Bank Indonesia

 Sukuk Mudharabah

 BLI / Bond Link Investment

 FASBI / Fasilitas Simpanan Bank Indonesia

 Call Money

CIMB Niaga Sharia

 iB XTra Savings

 iB Xtra Valas Savings

 iB CIMB Preferred Savings

 iB CIMB Private Savings

 iB Usaha Savings

 iB On Account Savings

 iB Junior & iB Junior USD Savings

 iB Indie Account Savings

 iB Pahala & iB Pahala USD Savings

 iB Rencana Haji & Rencana Haji USD Savings

 iB Pendidikan & iB Pendidikan USD Savings

 iB Mapan & iB Mapan Wakaf Savings

 iB Payroll Savings

 iB TabunganKU

 iB Retirement Savings

 iB Hypermart Savers Savings

 iB SimPel Savings

 iB Investor Account Savings

 iB Xtra Pandai Savings

 iB Current Account & iB Current Account Currency

 iB Time Deposio & iB Time Deposit Currency

 Mudharabah Muqayyadah


 Mortgage Xtra Flexi

 Auto Financing

 Syariah Gold Card

 Syariah Platinum Card

 iB Working Capital & iB USD Working Capital Financing

 iB Investment & iB USD Investment Financing

 iB Current Account Financing (PRK) Financing

 FX today tom spot

 Simple Hedging ( iB Forward)

 iB Tender or Bid Bond

 iB Performance Bond

 iB Retention Bond

 iB Payment Bond

 iB Maintenance Bond

 iB Advance Payment Bond

 iB Custom Bond

 iB Counter Guarantee

 iB Shipping Guarantee

 iB Standby Letter of Credit

 iB Letter of Credit – Sight and Usance

 iB SKBDN (Local Letter of Credit)

 Post Import Financing/iB TR

 Forward/iB Transfer Letter of Credit Export

 iB Export LC Financing or iB SKBDN with facilities

 iB Export LC Financing or iB SKBDN without facilities

 Outward/Inward Documentary Collections - D/P and D/A

 iB Account Receivable Financing

 iB Account Payable Financing

 iB Tender or Bid Bond

 iB Performance Bond

 iB Retention Bond

 iB Payment Bond

 iB Maintenance Bond

 iB Advance Payment Bond

 iB Counter Guarantee

 iB Shipping Guarantee

 iB Standby Letter of Credit

 iB Letter of Credit issuance – Sight and Usance

 iB SKBDN issuance (Local Letter of Credit)

 Inward Documentary Collection - D/P and D/A

 Post Import Financing/iB TR

 iB Forward Letter of Credit Export

 iB Transfer Letter of Credit

 iB Export Financing LC or iB SKBDN with facilities

 iB Export Financing LC or iB SKBDN without facilities

 Outward/Inward Documentary Collections - D/P and D/A

 iB Account Receivable Financing

 iB Account Payable Financing

Other Services

 Foreign Currency Remittance

 Bank Draft

 Special Funds Transfer

 Safe Deposit Box

 Mass Fund Transfer Systems (MFTS)


 Preferred Collection Services

 Tax Payment

 Routine Bills Payment

 Corporate Advisory

 Financial Structure

 CIMB Niaga Mobile Cash Services