Shareholders Composition


Shareholders 1 January 2023 31 December 2023 Type of Shares
Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%)
CIMB GROUP SDN BHD 22,991,336,581 91.48 22,991,336,581 91.48 Common Stocks

As of 31 December 2023, there were no institutional shareholders owning more than 5% of CIMB Niaga’s shares other than CIMB Group Sdn. Bhd., which is the controlling shareholder of the Bank. However, CIMB Niaga continues to guarantee the rights of shareholders in accordance with Article 11 paragraph 11.3. The Articles of Association stipulate that shareholders, individually and jointly, representing at least 1/10 of the total number of shares with valid voting rights, may propose agenda items to the GMS, including nominating members of the Bank’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.


Shareholders Group Local Foreign
1 January 2023 31 December 2023 Type of Shares 1 January 2023 31 December 2023 Type of Shares
Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders
Individual 715,452,351 2.85 25,099 842,250,727 3.35 34,317 Common Stocks & MESOP/ESOP 9,589,917 0.04 94 9,376,517 0.04 98 Common Stocks & MESOP/ESOP
Institutions - - - - - - - 736,599,008 2.39 159 725,008,368 2.88 174 Common Stocks
Individual – KITAS NPWP 5,716,613 0.02 24 5,792,013 0.02 32 Common Stocks & MESOP/ESOP - - - - - - Common Stocks & MESOP/ESOP
Bank 5,473,434 0.02 26 7,260,734 0.03 26 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Brokers 14,414,081 0.06 43 10,016,921 0.04 43 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Government of the Republic of Indonesia 88 0.00 1 - - - Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Insurance - NPWP 69,684,518 0.28 33 67,724,318 0.27 33 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Cooperative 574,813 0.00 13 560,313 0.00 12 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Mutual Fund 60,165,194 0.24 28 44,865,206 0.18 39 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Pension Funds 6,444,174 0.03 33 751,074 0.00 30 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Limited Liability Company - NPWP 321,095,797 1.28 395 323,056,397 1.29 394 Common Stocks 898 0.00 2 898 0.00 2 Common Stocks
Limited Liability Company - Without NPWP 54,783 0.00 3 54,783 0.00 3 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Foundation 43,968 0.00 31 43,968 0.00 31 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Foundation - NPWP 1,709,343 0.01 5 959,243 0.00 5 Common Stocks - - - - - - Common Stocks
Total 1,200,829,157 4.78 25,731 1,303,335,697 5.19 34,965 - 746,189,823 2.97 255 734,385,783 2.92 274 -

The Bank’s shareholder groups of less than 5% consists of institutions and individuals, with the amount owned on 1 January 2023, by 25.986 shareholders and on 31 December 2023, by 33.728 shareholders. Groups of Individual and institutional shareholders with less than 5% ownership, both local and foreign, are as follows:

Shareholder Group 1 January 2023 31 December 2023
Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%)
Individual Local 25,123 721,168,964 2.87 34,349 848,042,740 3.37
Foreign 94 9,589,917 0.04 98 9,376,517 0.04
Institution Local 608 479,660,193 1.91 616 455,292,957 1.81
Foreign 161 736,599,906 2.93 176 725,009,266 2.88


Shareholders Group Local Foreign
1 January 2023 31 December 2023 1 January 2023 31 December 2023
Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%) Number of Shareholders Number of Shares (units) Ownership Percentage (%)
Bank 26 5,473,434 0.02 26 7,260,734 0.03 - - - - - -
Broker 43 14,414,081 0.06 43 10,016,921 0.04 - - - - - -
Government of the Republic of Indonesia 1 88 0.00 - - - - - - - - -
Individual 25,099 715,452,351 2.85 34,317 842,250,727 3.35 94 9,589,917 0.04 98 9,376,517 0.04
Individual - KITAS & NPWP 24 5,716,613 0.02 32 5,792,013 0.02 - - - - - -
Cooperative 13 574,813 0.00 39 44,865,206 0.18 - - - - - -
Mutual Fund 28 60,165,194 0.24 30 751,074 0.00 - - - - - -
Pension Fund 33 6,444,174 0.03 394 323,056,397 1.29 - - - - - -
Limited Liability Company - NPWP 392 321,095,797 1.28 3 54,783 0.00 2 898 0.00 2 898 0.00
Limited Liability Company – Without NPWP 3 54,783 0.00 39 44,865,206 0.18 - - - - - -
Insurance - NPWP 33 69,684,518 0.28 33 67,724,318 0.27 - - - - - -
Foundation - NPWP 5 1,709,343 0.01 5 959,243 0.00 - - - - - -
Foundation 31 43,968 0.00 31 43,968 0.00 - - - - - -
Institution - - - - - - 159 736,599,008 2.93 174 725,008,368 2.88
Total 25,731 1,200,829,157 4.78 34,965 1,303,335,697 5.19 255 746,189,823 2.97 274 734,385,783 2.92