Climate & Environment

Bamboo Conservation

Over the past 12 years, Bank has been actively engaged in bamboo conservation programs in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation (KEHATI) and various partners. Together, we have planted a total of 49,400 bamboo saplings, including Black Bamboo (Gigantochloa atroviolacea), Tabah Bamboo (Gigantochloa nigrociliata Buse-Kurz), and Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) in regions such as Lombok – West Nusa Tenggara, Tabanan and Gianyar – Bali, Flores – East Nusa Tenggara, and Magelang – Central Java. However, in 2023, the bamboo planting activities were postponed due to the impact of El Niño which cause a delay in rainy season.

Bank also conducts periodic analyses of the potential carbon absorption of the planted bamboo. Estimation in 2023 shows that the bamboo has potential absorption exceeded 1,700 tonnes CO2e, with accumulated absorption from 2019 reaching 7,600 tonnes CO2e.

Inorganic Waste Management

Bank implements waste management initiatives by adhering to the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R) in collaboration with third parties. This approach is integrated into various Bank programs and activities, including the ABCDE Challenge, Paper Upcycling, the Experiential Learning Workshop, the Zero Waste to Landfill initiative at CIMB Niaga Olympic, and the Conserving the Earth with Waste Sorting event during the Year-End Celebration. In 2023, an estimated 4.6 tonnes of waste were collected for processing by third-party entities.