Sustainable Financing Portfolio

Sustainable Financing Distribution

26% Percentage of Sustainable Business Activity Category (KKUB) from total Bank financing

Sustainable Financing Distribution

Sustainable Financing Distribution %
Energy Efficiency 1%
Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Land Use 12%
Environmentally Friendly Transportation 5%
Eco-efficient Product 12%
Environmentally Friendly Buildings that Meet National, Regional, or International Recognized Standards/Certification 2%
Other Environmentally Friendly Business and/or Other Activities 29%
MSME 40%

Palm Oil Financing

29% Oil palm plantation financing Portfolio that already has or is in the process of ISPO and/or RSPO certification.

Our Commitment to Palm Oil Financing

Digital Banking

Bank recorded nearly 470 million transactions in digital platform and branchless banking, then there is a potential GHG emissions avoidance of approximately 120 thousand tonnes CO2e.

Digital Platforms

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is a tool to measure customers' loyalty and satisfaction.
CIMB Niaga conducts an annual survey to measure its NPS to improve its services.


in 2023

Customer Complaint Resolution Rate

99% settled